Welcome from AUTOMrk. This blog comes having graduated with my MA Automotive Journalism degree. My industry experience to date includes placements at AUTOCAR & BMWCar Magazines, whilst undertaking three months at Aston Martin Lagonda. Previous to this I worked for MINI in a sales role. In an attempt to catapult myself into the blogging world and commence my career I include my published work, whilst also keeping up to date with the latest news. Enjoy.

AUTOMrk Blog


Mondial de l'Automobile memories...

I recently stumbled across some shots from the mondial de l'automobile at Porte de Versailles, Paris. With the demise of any British motorshow for the foreseeable future, Paris shows there is life in the old dog yet.
  The days of the British International Motorshow seem a distant memory. Over taken by more successful and arguably better managed events around the globe. Frankfurt, Detroit and Paris for example. The latest French offering certainly helped to rub salt into British wounds, emphasizing the great buying publics willingness to pay for a good day out.
It really is hard to pin point exactly why everyone else seems capable of making the International event work, but the demise of the British car industry undoubtedly rears It’s ugly head as part of the answer. But walking around Paris the evidence was more than this. Nearly every manufacturer had an air of pride for what it was revealing, or face-lifting.
 As a first time goer to the Paris event, I was struck by the crowds willingness to queue for hours to get the opportunity to see the latest unveilings, further showing just how seriously people take this show.
 You only have to look at the difference in price point as well to further suggest why our show has fallen out of favour with public appetite. At around £10 for an adult ticket and with over seven halls to view, Paris puts our last failed attempt to shame.
 So in summary if you long for a good motorshow, save waiting for the British equivalent to reappear. Book a cheap flight for October 2011 and see why Paris is the new choice for all things automotive. 

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